Receive real-time notification of 911 calls originating on or near your business with 911RTA™

911RTA plugs into local 911 dispatch to provide real-time notification of 911 calls placed on or near your business, university, school, or venue property. Delivered to your desktop and mobile device, 911RTA notifications include incident description assigned by 911 dispatch, location, timestamp, and link to your emergency plans.

Alerts are generated from 911 dispatch to capture incident information reported via landline, cellphone, text to 911 and first responder radio.




Real-time mobile alerts

Receive a text and email to your cell phone anytime someone calls 911 from, or near, your business. Notifications include:

  • Incident description assigned by 911 dispatch

  • Location of incident assigned by 911 dispatch

  • Incident timestamp

  • Name of the public safety agency answering the 911 call

  • Link to site specific emergency plans, protocols, and related information

Monitor emergency incidents on a map display

  • Incident information populates to a map in real time for 911 calls originating from any of your operations

  • Receive 911 call incident information on a map in real time for threats near your operations

  • Export historical 911 incident data to evaluate patterns and security resources


Monitor emergency incidents on a map display

  • Incident information populates to a map in real time for 911 calls originating from any of your operations

  • Receive 911 call incident information on a map in real time for threats near your operations

  • Export historical 911 incident data to evaluate patterns and security resources




Monitor multiple properties and ensure key stakeholders are aware of critical incidents using alert groups


Create an unlimited number of alert groups and define notification parameters per group

  • Select the properties and operations each alert group will monitor

  • Select what type of 911 calls made on site should generate notification

  • Decide what type of threats near your operations should generate notification

  • Select recipients according to roles and responsibilities

  • Assign personnel to one or multiple alert groups for incident awareness across properties


Receive notification of nearby incidents that pose a threat to your business.


911RTA monitors 911 calls occurring outside your business operations – elevating situational awareness for threats occurring in your greater community.

Relevant high threat proximity incidents may include Active Shooter, Shots Fired, Assault in Progress.


Rapid awareness with incident information provided directly from your local 911 dispatch.


A 911 operator’s first objective is to determine the nature and location of a caller’s emergency and enter this information into their incident management system.

Integration with local 911 dispatch allows 911RTA to access threat information as soon as it’s recorded, alerting key personnel at the onset of an emergency.





Become instantly informed when a 911 call is placed on, or near, your school property. 911RTA sends incident descriptions assigned by 911 dispatch to your resource officer, emergency manager, and school administrators responsible for the safety of students and staff.


Become instantly informed when a 911 call is placed on, or near, university property. 911RTA sends incident descriptions assigned by 911 dispatch to your campus security and leadership responsible for the safety of students and staff.


911RTA tools are designed to support business continuity. 911RTA instantly informs you of incidents that pose a threat to any of your properties or field personnel. When 911 dispatch identifies a threat originating on, or near, your operations, 911RTA notifies your security and preparedness personnel in real time.



Fortify your healthcare organization’s safety plan and mitigate potential disruptions with situational awareness of emergency incidents. 911RTA instantly informs your security and preparedness personnel when a 911 call is placed on, or near, your hospital property. 911RTA alerts include incident descriptions assigned by 911 dispatch and links to location and threat specific emergency plans and protocols.

Venues & Stadiums

Bring rapid clarity to an emergency event happening inside your venue. 911RTA sends incident descriptions assigned by 911 dispatch to security personnel and management responsible for the safety of attendees and staff. Incident descriptions are delivered to the desktop and mobile device of each responsible party as soon as the call is received by 911 dispatch.

Public Safety

Streamline distribution of critical information during an emergency. 911RTA sends alerts to your leadership and mutual aid for high risk incidents. Real-time notifications from 911 dispatch include the incident code, location and originating agency to improve situational awareness and first responder safety.

Software to help redefine your emergency management.


Elevate situational awareness for a quicker, more coordinated response.


Improve operational continuity emergency preparedness, risk mitigation.


Aggregate data for analysis of incident patterns and response efforts.


Enhance response capabilities for everyday emergencies and mass casualty incidents.




Please provide us a bit of information about your business. A SirenGPS representative will reach out to set up a product demonstration and illustrate how 911RTA can enhance your security and emergency preparedness.